nPerf bygger på att en grupp användare samlar in exakt information om prestanda i teleoperatörernas nätverk runt om i världen. Varje användare mäter sina upp- och nedladdningshastigheter och latens (prestanda för surfning och streaming på mobil och dator) genom att köra ett hastighetstest. Baserat på dessa data publicerar vi årliga barometrar för fasta och mobila nät som ger en korrekt bedömning av den tjänstekvalitet som levereras av varje operatör. Om du är journalist kan vi hjälpa dig att få fram data om ditt lands nätverk för att berika dina artiklar.
« This coverage map from nPerf allows you to select by carrier to see coverage and download speeds. You can also check with your preferred carrier (most have coverage maps on their websites), but most only offer 5G home internet service in specific areas (big cities for now). »
21 apr. 2024
Du kan lägga in ett hastighetstest på din webbplats med din egen logotyp och dina egna färger, utan reklam. Dina besökare kan därmed testa sin ned- och uppladdningshastighet samt latens direkt på din webbplats. Din logotyp visas varje gång en användare delar resultaten på sociala medier. Vilket bra sätt att stärka din medietäckning!
Integrera våra interaktiva kartor över mobiltäckning och/eller hastighet på din webbplats för att hjälpa dina besökare att välja rätt teleoperatör och få bästa möjliga lokala prestanda. Kartorna är enkla att installera och uppdateras automatiskt med nPerf-användarstatistik.
Great app - provided comprehensive network data for WiFi fixed and wireless networks
James Bellingham
Easy to use interface. Quick one-click testing.
Tech Con
Needed an internet speed tester. Wow am I amazed and impressed how extensive this app is. Great job!
ultear fairy
Great! Really I like this appli. It's very good and help about your data performance....
Test Moov
Very good speed tester, with lots of information. I recommend it to anyone interested.
Mautin Koshoedo
Probably one of best signal/speed test apps I've used in years. The active mapping is novel, interesting being able to make a contribution to the app by visiting areas that's haven't been covered yet and adding data to the map. I'll definitely be using this for years to come.
Fire Cannabinoids
This is one of the best & most detailed, all-inclusive internet testing applications by far. It really covers speed, bandwidth, and streaming, as well as ISP details, and you can even extract all your test results to a CSV file.
Charbel Naim
This test program provides consistent and accurate results. Its screen design looks nice and gives useful and complete information
Suttisak Prasitbureerak
This test program provides consistent and accurate results. Its screen design looks nice and gives useful and complete information
Suttisak Prasitbureerak
This test program provides consistent and accurate results. Its screen design looks nice and gives useful and complete information
Suttisak Prasitbureerak
This test program provides consistent and accurate results. Its screen design looks nice and gives useful and complete information
Suttisak Prasitbureerak
nPerf is far and away the best speed test app out there. I have used it to check the expansion of 4g+ and 5g in my area, and to check on the various measures of performance of my mobile Internet system. Highly recommend it.
The most outstanding speed test. Not only down/up load. Web browsing speed and video 1080HD. Great.
Gunasakaran Nadason
Most comprehensive speed test and data info app I've used before. Almost use it daily it's so useful, highly recommended on the phone and desktop
Smashed Burger
My experience on the app is exceptional. Like nothing gives confidence like knowing the speed of the kind of network you're chosing and that it can serve just fine for the purpose you need it.
Abigwa Joshua
Definitely the most accurate speedtest I have ever discovered to date. Highly recommended. Works on multiple devices and O/S including games consoles. Supports fibre gigabit broadband out of the box.
Vast Gsm
I have been using it to measure 5G performance for site survey and it s a great tool. One of the best speedtesting apps I have ever used, especially the full test feature is exactly what I was looking for.
Yiannis Kapodistrias
I'm very impressed with this app. You can do normal speed tests, of course, but the full test is comprehensive and shows the dropped frame percentage for 360, 720, and 1080 resolutions. I also like the live mapping which allows you to see where the signal drops along a route!
Joel Cook
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