Host a nPerf server

What's a nPerf server?

When you perform a speed test, a server is needed to deliver the flow by sending and receiving data in order to measure the performance of your Internet connection.
The relevance of measurements made by the nPerf tools are largely based on the quality of the network of servers used to provide the flow for testing.

Contact us

Why hosting a server?

By becoming a hosting partner, you are participating in a collaborative international project to measure the quality of broadband and mobile Internet connections.

Access to test data

As a hosting partner, you have access to accurate data, collected through test performed on your servers.

You are an ISP?

Give your customers the opportunity to test the throughput on a server located in the core of your network for best performances.


What are prerequisites

To ensure maximum quality to nPerf users, we only accept servers hosted in a data center to ensure high availability.

The nPerf server uses the standard ports HTTP / HTTPS, so it is highly recommended to install it on a dedicated server (physical or virtual).

You are already hosting a server?
nPerf server can be installed on the same server.

Minimal hardware required

2-core CPU @ 1,6 GHz+ (2,5 GHz+ for 10 Gb/s connections)
1 Gb/s (or more) symmetric connection
Can be a VM (VMWare, Xen, KVM…)
Linux 64 bits

Recommended system

Debian 11/12 or Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 dist with minimal install (without GUI stuff) and SSH server installed.


Installation process

nPerf puts all its expertise at your service to offer you two solutions. The service provided by nPerf is of course totally free.

Wherever possible, we encourage our partners to opt for a server managed by our team, so we can deploy the updates more quickly.

Managed server

nPerf handles everything: software installation, server protection, maintenance and application updates. We just need a server with a distribution like Debian / Ubuntu installed and root access.

Unmanaged server

An installation process is available, on request, to assist you in configuring the server.

A strong knowledge of Linux system is required.

Interested in hosting a nPerf server?

Contact us